
  • 22nd June, 2021 - Press notes

    More than 6% of Europeans suffer from depression

    More than 6% of Europeans suffer from depression A study in 27 European countries led by researchers from King's College London and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute puts the prevalence of depression at 6.4% of the population. The work, published in The Lancet Public Health, analysed data from the European Health Interview Survey, which includes responses from more than 250,000 people. The incidence is higher in women at 7.7 per cent, while in men it is 4.9 per cent. Strong differences are seen between countries, with higher rates in more economically developed states.

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  • June 15 th, 2021 - Press release

    Launch of European research into radiotherapy for cardiac arrhythmias

    Launch of European research into radiotherapy for cardiac arrhythmias On June 15th and 16th, the STOPSTORM consortium coordinated by the UMC Utrecht with the IMIM and Hospital del Mar's participation, met virtually to discuss early project progress. The project, which officially started on May 1st, will begin researching the use of radiotherapy in treating cardiac arrhythmias. Patients who suffer from ventricular tachycardia (fibrillation of the ventricles) are often treated with medication and/or implantation of an ICD, a defibrillator that corrects a rapid heart rate with an electric shock. In cases of persistent arrhythmias that do not respond adequately to regular therapy, patients may undergo invasive catheter ablation.

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  • June 17th, 2021 - Press notes

    Research finds that COVID-19 vaccines pre-prepared in syringes for their administration can be safely transported

    Research finds that COVID-19 vaccines pre-prepared in syringes for their administration can be safely transported Researchers from the Hospital del Mar and Pompeu Fabra University have confirmed that messenger RNA vaccines pre-prepared in syringes for their administration can be transported by road for up to three hours. This may be of great relevance in mass vaccination strategies, especially in rural and less developed areas, as the doses can be prepared in an official healthcare centre and then transported to remote vaccination sites or areas with an underdeveloped healthcare infrastructure. The researchers have conducted stress tests on syringes pre-prepared for administering the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, and have found that the vector these vaccines use, the messenger RNA, maintains its integrity despite being subjected to movement. The findings have been published in the medical journal Clinical Microbiology and Infection.

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  • 9 June 2021 - Press notes

    Brain Alterations Detected in Obese Children

    Brain Alterations Detected in Obese Children The alterations link obesity to a brain condition similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder, which affects the same areas of the brain. Researchers analysed images of the brains of 230 children obtained by functional magnetic resonance imaging. This was the first study of these features in children. Published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, the study was carried out jointly by Hospital del Mar and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by the "la Caixa" Foundation. The researchers believe the findings underscore the need for early intervention in child obesity, in order to prevent the alterations from becoming fixed in children's developing brains.

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  • May 13th 2021 - Press notes

    Hospital del Mar leads clinical trial of a new tool for detecting the sentinel lymph node in prostate cancer

    Hospital del Mar leads clinical trial of a new tool for detecting the sentinel lymph node in prostate cancer The Urology and Nuclear Medicine and Radiology services at the centre are collaborating with the British company Lightpoint Medical to develop new equipment that will improve the detection of the sentinel lymph node in prostate cancer patients. Hospital del Mar is coordinating the international clinical trial to validate its usefulness. Hospitals from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium are participating. The centre is a Spanish leader in the use of the prostate sentinel node technique. This involves injecting the tumour with a marker that drains through the lymph ducts and allows the first tumour drainage node to be detected.  Thanks to this technique, the treatment can be personalised and it is possible to identify more precisely whether the nodes are affected.

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  • April 29th, 2021 - Press notes

    The future of immunotherapy at the Optimizing Immunotherapy Congress

    The future of immunotherapy at the Optimizing Immunotherapy Congress The benchmark meeting in the field of immunotherapy cancer treatment was held once again, on April 9, in a hybrid format. This year, the presentations focused on the research and development of this type of treatment for various types of tumours, as well as molecular diagnostics.

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  • April 22nd - Press notes

    Anna Bigas, one of the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain

    Anna Bigas, one of the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain Dr. Anna Bigas, coordinator of the Stem cells and cancer Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and scientific director of the CIBER Oncology has been chosen one of the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain.

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  • 14 April 2021 - Press notes

    Precise moment of loss of consciousness during anaesthesia determined through magnetic resonance imaging

    Precise moment of loss of consciousness during anaesthesia determined through magnetic resonance imaging Awareness of this fact may provide anaesthesiologists with increased control over the procedure, allow them to carry it out more safely and allow for more accurate dosage of anaesthetics. The study, which has been published by the journal Sleep, was carried out with healthy volunteers who underwent neuroimaging tests to assess the brain's reaction during the anaesthetic procedure. Researchers have been able to determine the exact moment in which the cerebral cortex and brain stem go out of sync, namely, when loss of consciousness is achieved.

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  • 8th April 2021 - Press notes

    Pompeu Fabra University and Hospital del Mar are to offer a new bachelor’s degree in Medicine tailored to current and future needs

    Pompeu Fabra University and Hospital del Mar are to offer a new bachelor’s degree in Medicine tailored to current and future needs The bachelor's degree will have a new syllabus, fully adapted to the needs of medicine today and in the future that will involve a change in the methods and approach of teaching, with a clear clinical leaning due to its integration with Hospital del Mar. One of the distinguishing features of the bachelor's degree in Medicine is its location in a unique bio-health environment, formed by the Mar University Campus, Hospital del Mar and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park. Aspects of current medicine will be the focus, such as cancer, infectious diseases, care for the critically ill, personalized and precision medicine, systems medicine and telemedicine.

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  • 9th March 2021 - Press notes

    The benefits of the Mediterranean diet pass on to the families of patients who follow it

    The benefits of the Mediterranean diet pass on to the families of patients who follow it Family members of patients who follow an intensive weight loss programme, planned within the PREDIMED study, also lose weight and improve their commitment to the Mediterranean diet. Despite not participating in the programme, these people had lost an average of almost four kilos, two years after their family member started the programme. This was particularly true in cases where they shared meals and the patient did the cooking. The same contagion effect was not observed with regard to physical activity among patients and their families. The patients also experienced improved weight loss, of almost seven kilos over the same period. The results of the study have been published in the International Journal of Obesity.

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